
Kontak Kami

Hubungi Kami

Jadi bagian dari tim hebat dari perusahaan global.

Bergabunglah dengan perusahaan global kami dan buka peluang tanpa batas dengan berkolaborasi bersama tim yang beragam dan berbakat. Bersama-sama, kami menciptakan kesuksesan, mendorong inovasi, dan menciptakan dunia dengan berbagai peluang yang tak terbatas.

Digital Marketing

Detail Pekerjaan

  • Responsible for doing design mockup implementation to HTML, CSS & JavaScript.
  • RWD is required.
  • Responsible for maintaining the website and dashboard.
  • Do cross-browser testing to ensure the application/website can open any browser/platform Website development and monitoring.
  • Modified existing code.
  • Making a reusable code for future uses.
  • Website optimization.
  • Research for tools coding web/mobile applications and summarize all methods from every project as documentation for the team.

Persyaratan Keahlian

  • Min. 1 year experience in the same field.
  • Proficiency in HTML, CSS, LESS, SASS, JavaScript.
  • Adaptability, achievement orientation, integrity, detail oriented, communication, analytical thinking, and awareness for information security.
  • Highly creative, talented, and passionate about design, specifically web design.
  • Passionate for programming.
  • Fluent in using the tools of the trade: editors, GIT, command line, Slack, JIRA, & Backlog.
  • Driven and care about turning quality work and improving your craft.
  • Understand SEO principles.
  • Good interpersonal skills.
  • Have experience as a leader or leadership skills is an advantage.

Tingkat Pendidikan

  • Diploma 1 Information Technology / Information System major (min.)
  • University(S1) Information Technology / Information System major.