
Kontak Kami

Hubungi Kami

Jadi bagian dari tim hebat dari perusahaan global.

Bergabunglah dengan perusahaan global kami dan buka peluang tanpa batas dengan berkolaborasi bersama tim yang beragam dan berbakat. Bersama-sama, kami menciptakan kesuksesan, mendorong inovasi, dan menciptakan dunia dengan berbagai peluang yang tak terbatas.

Digital Marketing

Detail Pekerjaan

  • 1. Track and analyze the performance of digital marketing campaigns, including SEO, SEM, PPC, social media, and email marketing. 2. Use analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics, SEMrush) to measure key metrics such as conversion rates, click-through rates (CTR), and return on investment (ROI). 3. Monitor website performance, including load times, user experience, and overall site health. 4. Identify opportunities to increase conversion rates on websites and landing pages. 5. Analyze and optimize the customer journey across digital touchpoints, ensuring a seamless and engaging experience. 6. Monitor competitor activities and performance in the digital space. 7. Identify trends and strategies that can be adapted or improved upon to enhance performance. 8. Generate regular reports for stakeholders, providing insights and recommendations for optimization.

Persyaratan Keahlian

  • 1. Familiar with SEO, SEM, PPC, social media, and email marketing. 2. Familiar with website development processes, including HTML, CSS, and basic JavaScript. 3. Familiar in using analytics tools like Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and other data analysis platforms. 4. Ability to interpret data, identify trends, and make informed decisions based on insights. 5. Strong communication skills to present findings and recommendations to stakeholders. 6. A degree in Marketing, Digital Marketing, Business, or a related field. 7. Certifications in digital marketing, analytics, or project management can be advantageous.

Tingkat Pendidikan

  • Bachelor Degree in Any Major.