
Kontak Kami

Hubungi Kami

Jadi bagian dari tim hebat dari perusahaan global.

Bergabunglah dengan perusahaan global kami dan buka peluang tanpa batas dengan berkolaborasi bersama tim yang beragam dan berbakat. Bersama-sama, kami menciptakan kesuksesan, mendorong inovasi, dan menciptakan dunia dengan berbagai peluang yang tak terbatas.

Digital Marketing

Detail Pekerjaan

  • Analyze and improve website performance.
  • Performing ongoing keyword research including discovery and expansion of keyword opportunities.
  • Research and implementing content recommendation for organic SEO.
  • Develop and implement link building.
  • Research and analyze competitor's data.
  • Increase domain authority and page authority.

Persyaratan Keahlian

  • Good skill of communication, English and Bahasa.
  • Good at tracking hot trends & keywords in Indonesia.
  • Have knowledge of SEO both On and Off Page, know different method on how to improve organic traffic a website.
  • Experience with SEO Tools (ahrefs, semsurh, etc).
  • Have experience in the same field minimum 1 year.

Tingkat Pendidikan

  • University(S1) S1 from any major.
  • A degree in Computer Science, Statistics is a plus.
  • Diploma 1 IT/SI Major