
Kontak Kami

Hubungi Kami

Jadi bagian dari tim hebat dari perusahaan global.

Bergabunglah dengan perusahaan global kami dan buka peluang tanpa batas dengan berkolaborasi bersama tim yang beragam dan berbakat. Bersama-sama, kami menciptakan kesuksesan, mendorong inovasi, dan menciptakan dunia dengan berbagai peluang yang tak terbatas.

Digital Marketing

Detail Pekerjaan

  • Convert instruction files/design files into website displays using HTML & CSS.
  • Maintain and update client websites.
  • Conduct cross-browser testing to ensure that applications/websites are compatible with various browsers and platforms.
  • Research tools for coding web/mobile applications and summarize instructions from each project to create documentation for the team.
  • Monitor and operate websites.

Persyaratan Keahlian

  • Experienced in HTML and CSS (knowledge of JS/jQuery and Photoshop/Figma is an advantage).
  • Proficient in computer applications, especially Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint.
  • Strong communication skills.
  • Traits include adaptability, achievement orientation, integrity, attention to detail, analytical thinking, and awareness of information security.
  • Willing to relocate for Yogyakarta Site (WFH Full).

Tingkat Pendidikan

  • Diploma 3 Information Technology / Information System major.