
Kontak Kami

Hubungi Kami

Jadi bagian dari tim hebat dari perusahaan global.

Bergabunglah dengan perusahaan global kami dan buka peluang tanpa batas dengan berkolaborasi bersama tim yang beragam dan berbakat. Bersama-sama, kami menciptakan kesuksesan, mendorong inovasi, dan menciptakan dunia dengan berbagai peluang yang tak terbatas.

Digital Marketing

Detail Pekerjaan

  • Build good relationships with Customers.
  • Responsible for the implementation of Customer Loyalty program.
  • Communicating, negotiating, problem solving and analytical thinking in solving problems related to loyalty activities.
  • Design and execute customer retention and loyalty strategies that align with company goals and customer needs.
  • Develop and manage loyalty programs, including rewards, points systems, and exclusive offers.
  • Analyze customer behavior and feedback to identify trends and areas for improvement.
  • Create and oversee targeted campaigns aimed at increasing customer engagement and retention.

Persyaratan Keahlian

  • English Proficiency both verbal and written.
  • Female preferable.
  • Strong analytical skills with experience in data analysis and reporting.
  • Excellent communication, presentation, and interpersonal skills, with the ability to effectively engage and influence.
  • Customer-focused mindset.

Tingkat Pendidikan

  • Minimum Bachelor's degree from any discipline.